Autism And Us Podcast Interview July 2019

I’m so SO happy to be invited along to an interview with Autism And Us Podcast – Player FM on July 19th in London. What a valuable and wonderful opportunity to share my journey with my son and to bring realistic hope ,education and awareness. Let’s bust a few of those restrictive and limiting myths ! I’m counting the days !

“Autism and Us is an honest and relatable podcast around the topic of autism. Each eisode invites a parent or close family member of someone with autism to share their story”. With guests such as Kathy Lette who have been featured on here with their real and heartwarming stories ,I hope my little feet will be able to follow in such big footsteps !  Whoever we are we all need to keep joining our voices together until these children and young adults are heard, valued and included.

Link to follow once aired !

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