Autism Awareness Month April 2016

I love Autism Awareness month and always go to town ! I ran two extra courses where I was so happy to train funded placements and part funded placements for schools and colleges, along with some therapists who wanted my therapy in addition to those they are already practising. I also spent a great deal of time helping my students speak to and email heads of schools and autism centres in order to start using the therapy there . I really do want those who train with me to get this out there and help some wonderful children and young adults to thrive.


My double page article came out in the Spring issue of International Therapist and instantly I was flooded with emails from all over ! This article was about the science behind my therapy too which reassures any sceptics out there ! and proves why it works.


I also took part in a live radio show with Oasis Universal Radio as part of their raising awareness theme for April. See more at In The Press.


The biggest highlight for me however , in this very special mont , is that my son Oliver , against all the odds, and after being told he would ” never achieve ” by a senior teacher at age 13 and being told he was not allowed to sit  the higher English GCSE because his autistic brain couldn’t negotiate multiple choice papers and lining up booklets ….. got his first choice place at university to read Creative Writing and Publishing !!

I wrote a very short post on LinkedIn and within a week had burst through 6,000 likes and comments and even as I write this more shares and comments are still pouring in. This news has gone worldwide and ollie has been flooded with offers to write ~ which he was born to do . This has made my entire month. We are blown away and overwhelmed by the heartwarming response. After years of being made to feel second rate in spite of his huge intelligence , my son might now just begin to believe that he is indeed an inspiration.

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