EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT SCHOOLS – Leadership Programme in Scotland

On 15th – 17th September 2017 I was invited by Dr Martin Williams ( such a massive honour ! )  to Fife in Scotland where I gave a talk and ran a workshop as part of the launch of an Emotionally Intelligent schools leadership programme . Dr Williams spoke so engagingly about the huge importance, impact and value of emotional intelligence and how “EQ” is as important, if not more so , than IQ : something that has also been so close to my own heart and experience and something I’ve long wished to see within schools and the workplace.


The head teacher of Lochgelly School, Carolann Penrose, had worked closely with Dr Williams for the outcomes aimed at for the weekend and I was just so thrilled to be part of it. It just lights me up to meet doctors, teachers and other professionals who all deeply care for the child, the ” wet cement ” that we are all shaping and to know that there are really forward thinking schools out there who understand that an emotionally intelligent school will be a more productive and inclusive school  – which will ultimately produce better results . This message then filters into the workplace where employers now are increasingly looking for EQ as well as IQ….


By also encouraging self care and self nurture, we all do a far better job of providing the very best , professional, quality care for the children and young adults we are growing.  With all the pressures teachers are now under, this couldn’t be more important because if teachers are able to nurture themselves, they’re then able to nurture those in their care.  When we are aware of and growing our own EQ, we can then help the children grow their’s .


This launch  weekend was just totally inspiring and motivational. It was so  gorgeous to feel myself growing even more on a personal and professional level  as I listened to Dr Williams’ extensive knowledge and experience –  and also the heads,deputies,  teachers and other staff who were all so passionate about what they do. I was so moved to be able to share this special time and to bring my own work to the table too, that I did actually cry when I left Edinburgh airport …! I felt part of something so valuable, important and trail blazing. I’m confident that this is just the beginning……


Out of all the ( many ! ) photographs I took throughout my trip, my very favourite is the one of the knitted bicycle cover because to me it summed up the weekend …. all of  our colours, all of  our gifts, all  of our abilities – however different or special , all of our voices are so important for transporting us into a rich, full, inclusive and emotionally intelligent future .


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