We chatted at length about mental health, special/additional needs, inclusion, educating, advocating, de-stigmatising and addiction as well as lots of neuroscientific backed therapies and practices to support and help.
I also discussed my own journey of raising a child with autism against a continually fearful background of abuse, desertion, neglect and cruelty, learning as I went …to ending up with not just four but literally millions of children and young adults whom I care about desperately and passionately.
What a blessing my life has been and continues to be in spite of those hard times which ended up being my biggest learnings and launch pads into who I have become . Into who WE as a family have become.
YOU define YOU – no-one else!
It was such a buzz to share the neuroscience that proves it …. How exciting and empowering is that knowledge ?!!
Following on from the interview I was absolutely delighted to receive an email from Willy saying that they loved having me on and want to talk about maybe having a regular show with me about my area of Special Needs with callers !!!! Yaaaaayyyy !!!! How wonderful!
With the global crisis in mental health issues and illnesses since Covid-19 and lockdown, along with the alarming spike in suicide ( an increase of a massive 39% from March – Oct 2020) , we need to really work at de-stigmatising mental health challenges, educating everyone about mental health and above all supporting each other.
My two older boys recently and shockingly lost their oldest and dearest childhood friend William to suicide … a seemingly warm,happy, popular,intelligent young man. Sadly he is one of so many who have recently seen this as their only way out. It has really torn my heart.
It felt the worst and most unnatural experience to have stood with my dear, close friend and her family at her baby boy’s graveside and feel so utterly helpless witnessing her harrowing loss and my own boys’ grief as well as trying to contain my own.
I have now vowed in Will’s name to do more and be more than ever before in my fight not just for those with different abilities but also for mental health . So it will be an utter joy to me to be part of The MAP and share all I possible can to help . We are a global community .
On a lighter note I am delighted with the new moniker that Willy Drinkwater suggested for me in an email after the show that actually made me spit out my tea with laughter ….”The British Spitfire of Special Needs” !!!!
That has to be the most gorgeously hilarious and BEST compliment I have EVER received !!
At five feet three and a half it’s a big one to fulfill … but I’m on a mission like never before and I hope to one day build a fleet of them!!
Thanks a billion for having me on guys and I can’t wait to work with you again!