So moved have I become by any of the stories and journeys of the children and young people I work with , that I decided in June 2015 to raise money to help them.It was nervewracking because I had never attempted anything like this before but all I could see in my head were the little faces of the I work with every day and how hard they try to contribute to our often harsh society. Their funding had all been slashed again at government level and once again it appeared they had no voice or say in it. I resolved to do something to help, however small.


So on the 19 June I did a personal record of 18 massages in one day , back to back with no break at all. I donated the whole amount to the fund and asked for everyone I knew to sponsor me to do it.I set up a crowdfunding page on justgiving and set the target low, at just £300 because there are many good causes out there and I feared people would just look the other way, as is so often the case with people with “special needs”.


You see, all I see in these kids are people with dreams and goals, just like everyone else…kids with a huge desire to give back to society, to be allowed to work, to be allowed to grow…to fly a little. I truly no longer see their “disabilities”.


Within three days I blasted through the target with donations as large as £150 coming in !! Other people believed in these kids too and everyone seemed to get on board. The final amount was a mind-blowing £1,663 !!!! After the 5% justgiving fee and the charges for each debit transaction ( and a few pledges that didn’t quite make it through on time) the final amount presented to the Foxes Academy learners fund was £1,340 – £1,363 more than I ever dared dream !


Foxes Academy learners had no idea I was doing this for them and the huge uproarious cheer and applause when I arrived with my son Oliver to present the cheque at their end of term barbecue, will stay with me forever. Some goals and dreams will be achieved this year because of this money and I am hugely proud and forever grateful to all those who donated to this wonderful cause.

Thank you .

Fundraising presentation

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