Getting The Children’s Voices Heard on a National Level

Please see the articles from the Daily Mail, The Mirror,  The Somerset County Gazette and Somerset Live by clicking the corresponding links or the images above.An article also appeared in The Sun newspaper .

My son OLLIE has made the national and regional newspapers today!

A huge article in the Western Daily Press has appeared today – I didn’t even know until someone lovely posted on my timeline!

Back in April for Autism Awareness Month I set myself the seemingly impossible challenge that I would get Ollie’s voice, and the voices of so many different abled but amazing kids, heard on a national level. I even thought I’d pack sandwiches and sit outside editors offices if it came to it and accost them if they needed the loo.

I’m in tears as I write this because those voices, thanks to my son , have been heard today. No child should be boxed in by invisible cage bars just because of a label. We all deserve to become the best we can be, individuals with strengths and abilities, no matter how different those abilities are. With autism teaching global crisis levels, all these voices need to be heard and all these children to be part of a rich and inclusive future.

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