Oasis Universal Radio Interview

On Wednesday 27th  April 2016 I was invited to take part in a two hour live radio show along with some very inspirational people to raise awareness for autism as part of Autism Awareness month. I was delighted to accept . The theme was positivity and empowerment to those with autism and their parents . I was on a roll ! Ive always dealt with my own son’s autism spectrum ” disorder ” in this way and it is always a huge theme close to my heart whenever I train parents and professionals . I was initially meant to come on for a fifteen minute slot but as usual my massive passion and enthusiasm carried me away and I was live on air twice.


I learned as much as I shared and couldn’t sleep all night from the excitement of having such an opportunity to reach so many all over the world, to share my knowledge and experience both as a professional and as a mother. My experience is not solely learned from textbooks. I feel inside of me every person and their parents who come to see me . I understand their journeys and it was so exciting to both talk and listen on this show. IMG_9265


Ive been asked back at a future date !

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