Ollie’s Masters’ Success December 2020 !!!!!

My strong,determined,gifted son has defied all the odds set against him during our often utterly heartbreaking and exhausting journey together where everything that most families can take for granted was a fight and we were told he would “never achieve ‘ simply because he has autism … and today found out the INCREDIBLE news that he has passed his Masters in Creative Writing with flying colours !!!

He is now more qualified than the eight teachers who told me that Ollie would “get two GCSE’s at the very most” and I have lost my tonsils somewhere across the other side of the Bristol Channel from my absolute scream of joy and pride !!!!!!

I am crying as I write this.


Oh this is exactly why I do all I do ….my battle for my son has blessed me with the learning,experience and fight to believe in and grow so,so many others . Many of my long hours are often unpaid but today I feel like the richest woman in the world .

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