Project Aspie – Open Space Initiative
During Lockdown, the dynamic and innovative founder of Project Aspie , Graeme Croton, kindly invited me to attend via Zoom, some of his Open Space Initiative sessions which are National Lottery Community and Government funded .
They run every Wednesday evening from 7pm – 8pm and are literally an open space for autistic people of all ages , abilities and backgrounds to come together and discuss their challenges, the negatives, the positives as well as advice and support during lockdown and now transitioning into whatever our new “normal” will be. They are particularly crucial during this time of adapting to change, being resilient and focusing on our mental health.
The groups are open, welcoming and friendly.
I couldn’t recommend this more !!
I’ve learned as well as shared so much. It’s been a brilliant idea and so needed !
And it’s all free of charge so that anyone can access it regardless of financial circumstances.
Coming very soon I shall be offering free ten minute “bite size workshops” on various therapies for these Open Space Initiative Sessions. I am SO looking forward to it !!!! And thrilled to have been asked. These sessions have been so helpful to people and actually helped enormously to get them through these strange times so it’s a genuine, heartfelt honour to be invited to be a part of it.
Thank you Graeme !
Please click below to register for the sessions and to find out more about Project Aspie or simply call 0121 312 0587
Currently the Open Space Initiative are having ten minute bite sized workshops in CBT so don’t miss out !
Watch this space to find out when I will be delivering my own workshops !