HUGELY honoured to be invited to write an article about my life’s journey, my autistic son, inventing and establishing a new job sharing tailored and refined therapies for children and young adults on the autism spectrum and with other neurodiversities for this highly respected and impactful magazine. I have longed to be in it for literally nine years !!  It is an absolute privilege.


I will be writing about setting up my business helping others whilst undergoing many dark years of domestic abuse, for which my ex husband served time, finding ways to help my son grow to his full potential in the meantime, doing everything I possibly could to fight for him and help him, whilst taking this work into schools, charities, specialist academies,teacher trainings and to people of all ages and abilities all over the world as well as getting a book deal to share my work on a global level. This along with my extensive public speaking record, most of which I have done for free just because I BELIEVE in our children, want to help raise awareness and bring true education to others. My life has happened for a reason.


I have also been invited to write about my shortlisting as a role model, out of 55,000 nominees, for the National Diversity Awards 2021. This part I still find incredible !


Never ever did I dream for one second that an ordinary woman like me , just using her life cards to build something positive ,would ever be living the life I live now. I just want to reach as many people as I can, to bring solutions, CHOICE, hope, empowerment and potential .

I am so full of gratitude.


My article in the Jan/Feb 2022 issue will be included under “Heath and Wellbeing and I will be discussing the enormous neuroscientific benefits of touch .

I couldn’t be prouder to be included !

SEN magazine has been a wealth of help and information to me both personally and professionally for YEARS so I am just SO excited to be actually featured in it.

Thank you to Denise Williams and Steve Muddiman ,Editor, for such a wonderful opportunity. I will do you proud, I promise.


The link to the article will be posted once it is published.

In the meantime for any of you who are not already very familiar with this highly respected and popular publication, please check out the powerful work SEN magazine does by clicking the link below .


http://SEN – home • SEN Magazine