At only 5ft 3 1/2″ it was nigh in IMPOSSIBLE to contain the absolute heart bursting joy I felt on receiving this most prestigious of awards!!!!

I received this award for my work with blending story massage into my Therapies for Special Needs  sessions and Rainbow Kids sessions along with all my free YouTube videos (Giuliana Wheater Rainbow Kids Touch Therapy) and my free FB “Online Therapies For Kids and Families” as well as in my regular therapy articles and videos for Anna Kennedy Online and Autism Expo which I set up during the covid-19 pandemic.

Not being able to work, I still felt compelled to reach out, to share and help in any way I could, feeling that if I lost it all, at least I would go down sharing.

I am amazed to say that as the world shut down, mine opened in ways I never expected  and I now have millions of children instead of hundreds… and there I was thinking I had stopped at my own four!!

What a huge and unexpected journey my life has been!!

This award means a great deal to me especially as I am the only therapist to have received ,to date, a Best Junior Practice award for all my Rainbow Kids . I never frame my certificates as I would much rather fill my therapy / training chalet with “my” children’s achievements but these two awards will be up on the wall and framed!!

Thank you Mary Atkinson and Sandra Hooper for sharing your fabulous and impactful work. You literally touch the lives of so many and change them for the better. To read more about the award, please click here.