Donation Day – fundraising June 19th 2015

I am so happy that after just two days of putting my Just Giving page on social media and my website, we have together achieved a massive 70% of the £300 target which we had to reach in 30 days !


I know we can achieve way higher than this ! The young adults I plan to donate this money to are bright , hardworking, honest and so desperate to be given a chance to have full and happy lives. There is absolutely no reason why they cannot do this in spite of their differences and in some cases, disabilities.


The only word I like in ” Special Needs” is special and each of the incredible young people I have the joy to work with, has special in spades. Your donations would help them to achieve a few personal goals but in the long run all help them to contribute to society and the workplace.

One young lad with high functioning autism and ADHD broke down recently in front of me and asked ” What is wrong with me Giuliana ? I keep applying for jobs and no one will even write back or call me.” Yet he has no trouble at all getting unpaid voluntary work. It is my hope that in raising money in this way on a regular basis, we can help people like him perhaps pay for the last few driving lessons he can no longer afford, so that he has gained more independance and he can add this to his C.V.


A teenage girl who sees me weekly told me that her “biggest fear is not being able to be who she really is” because of her struggles with learning differences within school. The money I am raising will help people like her access clubs and skills that she wouldn’t be able to afford ordinarily and give her the chance to develop the talents she has that cannot be grown and nurtured in school. So many of the kids I see have a gift, an extraordinary talent.

Let’s help them grow.


Above all, each and every one of the children and young adults I see, all want to give back.The rewards from this donation will be immediate and far reaching. It will show this marginalised and often ignored part of society that there ARE people out there believing in them and helping them to achieve their full potentials. They have to fight for so much . They have to fight for things that the rest of us just assume is a right.


Please show your support and pledge to my just giving site today. I worked out that of  each of my contacts on Facebook pledged just £2, I would have a donation of £300 !! So please click on to the page and donate ! Thank you.

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