FOUNDERS 4 Schools AWARD November 2021

 I was so thrilled to be sent this Role Model Badge by the charity Founders 4 Schools which I can now use freely on my website and all social media. It was awarded for all my work within schools, particularly those in deprived areas.


Having a positive role model is 1 of the 8 building blocks of resilience.


Often where I go there is such a lack of expectation,ambition and belief. So I take my own very real and often relatable life cards such as fighting for my autistic son as well as surviving horrendous levels of domestic abuse and I share what is needed to show that WHOEVER you are and WHATEVER your label, you are worthy and deserve a seat at the table; to be included and to  have opportunities.


I am a very ordinary woman who BELIEVED and who made a life and a career.


This work is all voluntary.

But if you can sow the seeds of hope and possibility in just one young adult, it is worth all the riches in the world.


So if you have something to offer and can give of your time to such a wonderful cause , to help shape the future world we will leave behind, please contact Founders 4 Schools to help bridge the gap between education and employment, REGARDLESS of background or neurodiversity.


Our young people have never needed us more.